Years ago

Deng Adel

This guy has been tearing up the Youth League Championship and still plays u/18s.

His YLCM stats: 28.8ppg, 9rpg, 3.5 apg, 2 spg and shooting at 51%

Is he in a State side? A great talent.

Here is a clip of highlights:

Topic #31342 | Report this topic

Go for it  
Years ago

Probably in his 20s

Reply #412595 | Report this post

Jim Bert  
Years ago

A 6'7 athletic guard who has handles like that is going to make waves anywhere he goes in Australia. Let's see how he transitions against better competition

Reply #412596 | Report this post

Years ago

well i would say the video show athleticism and reading of the game far better than most here in australia particularly at the 2016 freshman year.
Heres hoping he gets a look in at the junior australia rep teams

Reply #412598 | Report this post

Years ago

though his coach don't have the best of reputation out there...

Reply #412601 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

"Deng Adel is a 6''7 combo guard from Melbourne Australia who preferably likes to play the 2 and 3 position as well as the 1. His versatility makes him unguardable. He is able to knock down shots from mid-range and the NBA three point range. His arms are very long which allows him to deflect the ball and finish with a vigorous dunk at the other end. His shot blocking ability for a 6''7 guard is unbelievable. "

Reply #412602 | Report this post

Years ago

I just hope we are keeping all these promising potential players involved in our systems so should they develop they are encouraged to play for our Rep teams down the line.

Reply #412613 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately with most of the sudanese migrated players they have limited details about their birth age, i highly suspect he is over 18.

Reply #412621 | Report this post

Botany Major  
Years ago

Must be a scientific way of finding out for sure. Could we not slice a cross-section of his leg and count the rings?

Reply #412622 | Report this post

Years ago

I believe Deng Adel was selected to the State Team, has been invited to Canberra to the COE and again the same people have convinced those kids that staying at Waverley is the future, playing Yth League and U/18s.

How can he be selected into the system ( Australian Juniors ) if they do not attend these trials.

Reply #412624 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe they know there are more avenues to get to College than playing in a State team. Deng Deng tried out a few times and was the first cut. Now he is at LSU (No trust in the system). Waverley seem to have a pathway to the next level (College) that is working. Good luck to him.

Reply #412648 | Report this post

Years ago

Hang on , didn't he MAKE the team and quit..... How much does the Waverley pathway cost

Good luck to the kid, If it is College he is after I really hopes he gets some good advice.If it representing Australia, he just blew a big opportunity.

Reply #412650 | Report this post

Years ago

Big time talent. Has the skills to play the 1 and the height to play the 3.

Made the U18 VIC metro state team, but quit. Not sure why all the Waverley kids pull out of playing for state. Kuany Kuany and Dexter Kernich-Drew are others that spring to mind for pulling out playing for VIC.

Reply #412651 | Report this post

Years ago

because some of them share a selfish coach who only care about himself winning now than the actual development of the players

Reply #412652 | Report this post

Go for it  
Years ago

I think they are getting bad advice pulling out of state teams. One way of getting into college is a good résumé which includes state and country representation. In my sons year of state u/18 most of the good kids are playing college. I wonder if lack of official birth certificates has something to do with it?

Reply #412656 | Report this post

Years ago

Purely the ability to play is the largest contributing factor to a college gig. Coaches here have no idea what state teams are. They don't care who you played for, just that you can help them. If Waverly is getting it done good on em. I know if I had a kid I coached and they had issues with cash, and we could get the, a free education without a state team then..........

Reply #412657 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with last anon. Making a state team in Australia means squat to an American college coach.

Reply #412661 | Report this post

Years ago

It's been discussed on this website many times by multiple people having the same opinion. Eric Minerve is a germ. He is a self involved individual who has self worth motivations ahead of any talent that happens to fall in Waverley's lap. Mike Bullock must take some responsibility for continually bringing this guy back to Waverley. No other club will touch him.

Here is hoping Andy Sherwell promotes Deng Adel to the SCM team and takes over his development. Deng will receive better development, impartial advice and a great experience having Andrew as a coach.

Reply #412666 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon- can't agree more, I doubt Deng will move up to SCM as his current coach is holding onto him tight to ensure he has a good chance to win at YL level. And that's where my problem is (I'm sure yours too)...

Reply #412718 | Report this post

Go for it  
Years ago

Those advising him probably want to keep his stats up. Needs to play against better opposition, and then people can judge how good he is.

Reply #412786 | Report this post

Years ago

Probs doesn't want to play in the state team coz it's overcoached. Instead of just letting the players play the coaches always come up with plays and strategies and just try and make the game complicated in general.

Reply #412801 | Report this post

Go for it  
Years ago

Better not go to college then!!

Reply #412827 | Report this post

Years ago


It's not about the State Team, it's about getting seen at a National level that matters to a College Coach. If kids are playing National tournaments, then THAT matters to coaches as they are playing against thier peers, not a local competition. When they contact coaches to enquire about a player, do you think they contact the club Yth League Coach and hear how is he killing the competition ???

They want to know how he goes against the best kids in the Country - Also, 2FAST4U do you think College , NBA coaches, just roll the balls on to the court and say " Just do your thing Deng ".....

Are you serious they make things complicated !!!!

Reply #412847 | Report this post

Go for it  
Years ago

Completely agree with above post.

Reply #412874 | Report this post

Years ago

Its a big confidence boost for a man when he only has to play against boys.

Reply #412883 | Report this post

anon 22  
Years ago

Im not disputing this players ability but seriously those close to home know that both his coach and teammates know his "real age". Why hasnt someone looked into this? Kids talk, end of story- want the truth speak to the kids.

Reply #412932 | Report this post

Anon hater  
Years ago

I really think some of you need to know the facts. All this hating/ jealousy is very disturbing. Lets put a bit of perspective.
Deng Deng was cut 1st round of state try-outs
Dexter K. never made a team despite trying out
Kuany was cut from the team because he was going to miss some sessions yet another player was going to miss the same time was kept.
It costs players $5k to play for Vic Metro not everyone has that money.
A number of players have chosen not play for that Vic metro team. Ben Simmons, Reece McKenzie to name 2. Maybe it has something to do with the coaching panel or do you think Minerve has influenced them as well.Two other Waverley players made the state team maybe they didn't listen to Minerve
Happen to know the Deng A. rejected the AIS because he was getting better schooling in Melbourne nothing to do with the coach in question. Sorry if the truth got in the way of your hate session.
The coach you seem to bag submits his players names to the state process. the Big V coaching staff are the ones who reject them.
Make no mistake, the coach is loved by his players and respected at the highest levels. I know he has had numerous offers to go to other clubs but chooses to stay at Waverley out of loyalty to the players. Players love to play for him and he has had so much success which has clearly upset a few people out there in Hoops land. Clearly there are people with major issues out there. Anon you clearly know nothing about basketball if you think Sherwell would be good for Deng A. Minerve is a proven winner, the championship banners don't lie. Get over it, move on. Take your ignorant views elsewhere or perhaps you could become more informed.

Reply #413364 | Report this post

Years ago

Great work Eric

Reply #413396 | Report this post

Anon hater  
Years ago

My kid played for him 4 years ago and he knows a number of the Sudanese players. he told me to have a look at Deng Adel's mixed tape and when I googled it I came across this site. I cannot believe anyone would write such crap about him. They must have their own personal agenda. Maybe a rival coach he keeps defeating, an aggrieved parent because their kid did not make his team. Maybe a coach who feels he is a threat to their own ambition. Someone who can't attract kids because they refuse to leave Waverley? Which category to you fall into? There is alot of hate out there because he has upset the status-quo by beating the bigger clubs. Maybe you should go to one of his training sessions you might learn something. He is not involved in any college recruiting business. Reality is that Sudanese kids are getting college spots by sending tapes of themselves to colleges. No state teams, ITC programs or Australian representation is required. More importantly for them no cost. This is really pissing of certain sections of the Victorian Basketball Community who very much want to push players from their own clubs and think that they are great coaches. They can't get the job done so they look for someone to blame. The AIS know that the best talent is not being represented at State level. That's why the last Sudanese tournament was held at the AIS.

Reply #413436 | Report this post

Years ago

not that Eric didn't want nothing to do with Basketball Victoria, he just got his ass kicked out earlier this year; not to mention his previous work with another private basketball business.

he had offers from other club? I know for a fact he was trying to hit up Hawthorn only to be rejected because of his bad reputation as a person.

his coaching session? really? seen it and really don't do anything but run plays all day, minimal if any skill development.

he is a guy who just looks for his lowly success (BigV Champ, U18s Champ really??? great! but I'm pretty sure junior basketball is not about winning hence Marty Clarke was terrible; you ask his BigV Champ players from those days? nobody really liked him and said he didn't do much). Finally I just don't want to call out those kids (you mentioned) of what they actually says about him i.e. asking a player to delay college so he can play for his youth league team? ludicrous.

oh yeah, better school for the kid? a good academic school does not mean it's a good FIT for the kid....get that straight, given the kid is at a high academic school probably also means he's struggling to pass.

Reply #413439 | Report this post

Callisto 34  
Years ago

How old is he, or how old does he claim to be?

Reply #413607 | Report this post

Anon hater  
Years ago

Interesting that you think you know so much lets put a cool $1000 down and we can ring Sedale and ross W who I both know and find out. Actually was shown the email where the Hawthorn job was offered. Your sources aren't very good or perhaps you don't know the definition of facts. You are currently batting 0 for 3. The Waverley Youth league have only 2 players old enough to be eligble for college. One didn't have the grades the other is 1st year from SA. All other Waverley kids have gone to college at the earliest opportunity. That is so easy to verify it is not funny. That is 0 for 4 and another absolute lie. About the training sessions I can pretty much guarantee that is a lie, according to my son, the sessions I have seen and the players that I have spoken to the 1st 20 to 30 minutes every session is skill development. Makes you zero for 5. Why try spew forth all these lies. What is you real issue. Did he steal your girl friend. Just wondering what is motivating you to lie. A number of players have rejected the AIS or only gone after completing year 12 as a result of the poor public schooling offered. You really need to get a better understanding of the system. According to the school coordinator the kid in question is doing very well. Once again why make a statement when you have absolutely no information or knowledge on the subject matter. I think you need to get off this Eric Minerve hate trip you are on, it has effected your thought process. Sadly I suspect your information is sourced from your own imagination. Just because you might want it to be true doesn't mean it is. I don't think your world can be a very happy place.

Reply #413670 | Report this post

Years ago

haha. calling them two up? I know for a fact what Sedale will say, easy $500 there, not sure about Ross but wouldn't surprise me if I am right on that one too since a state assistant coach told me what happened with them earlier in year.

the Waverley kid I'm referring to is at college but if you read me correctly, I said Eric 'attempted' to ask him to stay back till July so he can play YL for him. READ carefully.

the director at Hawthorn told me Eric applied but didn't want to get him for reason I stated, perhaps you can double check with them before pulling out some fake e-mail.

I wouldn't know about how the kid is doing in school with his grades, only time will tell if he goes straight to D1 or via JUCO, so we'll see about that one.

his practice session? perhaps your son don't have much clue what's going on half the time and ask his team mates for their thought on it. I've seen them practice in person and it's just going over plays. period.

who are you? his boyfriend? better leave him now before he leaves you for somebody else like he did with those two organizations...

Reply #413674 | Report this post

Anon hater  
Years ago

for Callisto 34 The kid in question according to his birth certificate and Australia passport is 16 years old. That is the only documentation that he has. The Australian Government for refugees coming from war torn countries I believe will do an educational assessment to help determine age. It happened for the Serbian and Croatian refugees in the past including one prominent Australian junior player from Melbourne Tigers. The kid had a growth spurt 12 months ago but is still growing. Most kids have the growth spurt b/w 14 and 17.

Reply #413676 | Report this post

What happened???  
Years ago

to most of the people on this forum, what happened i mean it started as someone praising deng adel for his talent but got turned in to a slag session of Eric Minerve. But anon i am interested in this player you speak of as i am close to all of the YL past and present from waverley. I also work with the Sudanese and find it interesting if eric is as what you say he is, why they keep coming back and bring their friends along. As for the state and aus level teams and coach i have a lot to say but as i said earlier this was intended to be about an outstanding player not his coach or the basketball Victoria.

Reply #413683 | Report this post

Anon hater  
Years ago

anonymous your answers show that you are on the outside looking in. Not sure what Ross would say because you don't know what happened. Think Sedale would lie for $500?? I think he would be a little bit more expensive then that to bribe. Director of Hawthorn said Eric applied for the job. Are you kidding me? Just admit you have a hatred for the man for what ever reason.
Player now at College. I guess it won't be the ones returning to play for Eric and that leaves nobody unaccounted for. I think you have been sprung. State Assistant coach which one would that be ? You haven't seen them train in person just admit you are talking crap. It was interesting that I spoke to John Rillie who attended a training session and he advised that the development work being done was very similiar to what is occurring in the NBA. Have I just exposed your lies again. Clearly you have no idea. Enjoy you involvement in East 3 or Domestic or whatever low level basketball you are involved in. Leave the elite stuff to those who understand the game.

Reply #413703 | Report this post

Doctor Basketball  
Years ago

Deng Adel is another superstar talent in the making that basketball victoria and australia will probably piss away because they are too arrogant to chase this kid like crazy.....they should be begging this kid to play on the state team BEGGING.....Why would Deng not mess with VIC State Teams? ANSWER = BECAUSE THEY ARE GARBAGE......OVER COACHED AND NO OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW INDIVIDUAL TALENT ON THE NATIONAL STAGE.

Head Coach brought Ben Simmons off the bench at nationals last year - OFF THE BENCH and the kid started on the NATIONAL JUNIOR TEAM!!!! Not to mention has been regarded a top 5 player in the USA for 2015 and a potential 1st round NBA pick. But he came off the bench and still lead his team in rebounds blocks and top scorer......So this coach has a future NBA player on his team and brought him OFF THE BENCH??????????? WTF.........Only in Australia man i tell you what!!!

Arrogance is the word that should be used to describe coaching in VIC......Coaches in VIC need to stop parading around in their stupid looking state team letterman jackets constantly patting themselves on the back....VIC should win gold EVERY year they have the most players playing in the closest proximity.....They train almost 4 days a week in prep for nationals and the coaches usually coach 4-5 players in Friday night teams (politics)......Not too mention the most basketball talent is found in VIC.........

That team featured Dante Exum, Ben Simmons, Jack Purchase, Matt Jackson, Mickey Luxford, Christian Petracca and the coaches lost that tournament....."run the shuffle, dont use your individual talent and athleticism, 1st and 3rds guys.....Tigers offense" ARROGANCE AND POLITICS....Look at the minutes for nationals......How is Dante Exum going to play the same amount of minutes as anyone and how is Ben Simmons not starting and playing less minutes than anyone else but dante.

Oh yeah, as a young player who would I rather be coached by..... a former NBA player who played with Magic Johnson and had a long career or some guy who never played at any type of level, prob hung around enough to pick some stuff up and kissed enough ass to get a VIC coaching job.....who clearly cant coach.......?????

Reply #413711 | Report this post

Go for it  
Years ago

Looks like Dr. Basketball didn't get selected for a state team, lol

Reply #413713 | Report this post

doctor Basketball  
Years ago

LOL........I played on 5 state teams.......won some medals......good times.

Reply #413717 | Report this post

Years ago

hence he is doctor Basketball! lol

btw can't agree more

Reply #413718 | Report this post

doctor Basketball  
Years ago

I do feel qualified to make a diagnosis on the state of basketball not just in Victoria but in our country......Darcy Malone signed a scholarship with LSU but is not going to China on the u19 Emus tour........SO MUCH ARROGANCE......Give me 1 reason why he should not be on that tour!!!!

7'0 ATHLETE who can run the floor and finish and these peanuts coaching him in the Aussie programs have taught him how to shoot 3's and jumpers instead of power moves to the basket......But at the end of the day he is 7'0 and LSU see what most of us see POTENTIAL!!!!!

BTW the kid just put up a double double in 20 minutes with Gunners in SEABL on the road at Mount Gambier - tough to do.

Reply #413720 | Report this post

Melbourne Boy  
Years ago

Doctor, you make inflammatory and sometimes outrageous comments about the always successful Vic state teams, but sadly you are for the most part correct. Too much over coaching as if to show off what they as coaches can do instead of showcasing the abilities of their superior players.

Fact of the matter is, if the 10 kids playing for VIC Metro got together without a training session and were told "Just play 1 in 4 out, stay spread out and make sure you cut" they would win every game. In fact they would probably win by more as they would push the pace and play with flare instead of walking the ball up the floor and running a play which looks like a chess move.

I watched Vic Metro under 18's take on a Big V Championship team last month, good to see the players showing their skill when the set was called their way, but frustrating at the same time. One time a kid caught the ball on the wing and his man fell over, the Vic player held the ball over his head and still waited for someone else to come off a double screen at the top instead of scoring. You may say this was just a mistake and any coach would say that if the lane opens up like that to take it, but it's the mentality which is drummed in over and over to get the specific conclusion each time down the floor which has the players acting as robots which causes this to happen.

Back on topic, Deng Adel is a special player who will go to college regardless of if he plays State. I wouldn't play there if i were him because he wouldn't fit in with what they do, he'd be in their top few players but it wouldn't suit him. The exposure in Youth Champ and the game tapes he will send to the NCAA schools will have them lining up for him.

Reply #413727 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the Darcy Malone situation just confirms that the college recruiters will find you no matter what. For the two coaches in question. one has been at more clubs then Molly Meldrum and never won anywhere. it appears he is unable to think his way through a game. The players realise that very quickly. Good at training, no good game day. The other has the backing of the powerbrokers at Basketball Victoria including the most powerful figure. Losing 4 U18 titles in a row is a disgrace given the talent level in Victoria. Anyway too much focus is placed on Junior Championships, it should be all about producing senior players. Years ago Victoria would have 80% of an Australian Team currently we are lucky to have 20%. That is an incredible poor reflection on everyone involved.

Reply #413736 | Report this post

Years ago

Just on the topic of the Sudanese kids, why would they play in a state team when their brothers are going off to div 1 schools without it. the Sudanese are a very tight community if one kid has a bad experience than you lose all of them. that is why there is growing numbers of Sudanese at waverley when supposedly better club with supposedly better coaches are a lot closer to their house. Think about that.

Reply #413738 | Report this post

doctor Basketball  
Years ago

I think ShardZII you are correct.....why would they play in state teams when they know it is not the be all and end all of basketball.......def don't need it to get to college.

I firmly believe the main issue here is that VIC and OZ basketball don't respect talent and chase the kids and support them and nurture them the way the US does......In the US it is players first coaches second - have you ever seen a game get cancelled because there was no coach? LOL No.......Games get cancelled if there not enough players.

VIC and OZ have it the other way around........coaches first players second........somewhere along the line coaches have convinced themselves that they are the focus of the game and the star of the show......They have become over baring, self praising, arrogant and obsessed with controlling the players on the court through structure, politics and the threat of cutting kids and controlling court time.

Sad Sad Sad....

Reply #413744 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes very true, VIC state coaches chose players that can run the shuffle from point a to b perfectly. Instead of the pure talent because they believe these said kid are uncoachable and a waste of their time. as you said arrogant. I believe the work at waverley by their staff of coaches and Eric Minevre is correct. Picking the players who have the best chances of playing at college and the senior level and develop and nurture them.

Reply #413754 | Report this post

Years ago

Although the thread seems to have gone slightly off topic, I agree with some of the observations made as I have seen coaches here in Aus do exactly what is being discussed.

Once more, they are quite open about it at times.

Is it about the coach, or the player??

This is a thread in itself IMO, and if coaches here continue to overlook natural talent and potential over a fit for their offensive structures, I'm afraid it does look like it is more about the coach than the player!

That isn't great for the sport in this country IMO, but it probably highlights the fear of losing and being replaced as a coach, rather than the arrogant nature of the coach in most situations...

Reply #413755 | Report this post

Years ago

Totally agree with you Dr basketball. Won't even comment on the issues with some of the Vic coaches.

Reply #413763 | Report this post

Years ago

Deng Adel = can seriously play

Eric Minerve = not the most trustworthy guy going around

Sudanese = love them. Love the way they play, love their athleticism, love their attitude, would love them to be punctual, humble and as dedicated as their white non-athletic cousins are.

Darcy Malone = if he's in the SEC for LSU, going against Anthony Davis/Nerlens Noel/Joakhim Noah types, he better be bloody good and from what I've seen, he aint'. He's good, but not SEC good. Lots of Aussie big guys struggle because they pick the wrong school. I think this has happened here which says more about the person who recruited him than Darcy.

State Teams = The coaches pick what is in front of them. Pick a side, prepare for a tournament and go. They do a great job with limited time. If they want to run the shuffle, who gives a shit. As long as they win and the kids are on show, it doesn't matter.

Reply #413765 | Report this post

doctor Basketball  
Years ago

No need for racist remarks......take that stuff somewhere else.......what no white kids have ever been late before you moron.....?

Your post is so stupid its not worth writing a real response....We will add you to list of peanuts who are killing this great game in Australia.

"State Teams = The coaches pick what is in front of them. Pick a side, prepare for a tournament and go. They do a great job with limited time. If they want to run the shuffle, who gives a shit. As long as they win and the kids are on show, it doesn't matter."

Gee i wonder which lucky kid gets to never shoot the ball this nationals because he is playing the feeder spot (the passer) in the shuffle offense. I will be super excited to see the highlight package of the point guard whos clips will consist of dribbling down passing cutting and never getting the ball back......hmmmm sounds exciting......

So stupid......

Reply #413789 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know Eric personally but my sons team has played against Waverley (u/18s) and I have to say I love the way they PLAY. The reason I love the way they PLAY is because he actually lets them PLAY!!!!!!!!!!! You just don't see enough of it anymore and it makes a nice change to the robotic garbage that is sadly becoming the norm at many clubs. Sure there is a need and place for structure but seriously keep it within reason and let the game be played in a fashion that allows the athletes skills to do the talking.

Reply #413805 | Report this post

Years ago

This weekend at Waverley sees a Motlen Victorian Youth Championhip Thriller weekend. Both Waverley Mens and Womens teams participate in the first u23 double header of the season against cross town rivals Kilsyth beginning at 12.30 pm. So far the season has been one of contrasting fortunes for the two Falcons teams. The Women are still looking to find the winning formula whilst the Men(2.30 pm), sitting on top of the ladder, went down in a close tussle with Hawthorn last weekend and will be hungry to make amends Sunday. Kilsyth will be keen to close out both games. If you can't be at the stadium, watch on line at

Watch the game to see what all the hype is about!

Reply #414111 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #414304 | Report this post

Years ago

No one in the League can guard Deng Adel he is a beast on the court

Reply #414377 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol to most of the comments above here. Only a couple of you seem to have your head screwed on.

I think it's been hit on the head, discussing the limitations and cost involved with representing the state. If the pathway was clear and was the only option to higher ground, I'm sure all these boys would do it. However, they see their friends make it without - some have not even played at a rep level. Louisville, LSU, Washington State and a variety of junior colleges are schools to name a few.

It has been mentioned that Ben Simmons has now gone to the USA to increase his prospects and development rather than stay here in the Victorian system.

Unfortunately these Waverley boys aforementioned who were 'advised' against playing for the state, did not make the team. Instead the team at Waverley of Sedale and Eric are doing their best to further their careers, aiding their recruitment to college. Sedales program placed everybody last year into the USA system. Several college coaches have also attended Waverley trainings to view these kids.

It has also been suggested Deng Adel should be playing SCM. He did that last year, and in the quarters he played, he also performed admirably. But what more can you ask of the 16 year old, than to be toweling up the best U23 competition in the state. And yes, I do believe his age to be around this as like previously mentioned he did recently have a large growth spurt. When I showed a mother this thread, she cringed. "As a mum, he cant be older than my son" "having dealt with teenage boys he cant be somebody in the wrong age group".

Why cant people admire talent and commitment these kids have? They travel from all over from Victoria to obviously play for Waverley in a successful system that suits them.

Surely it makes sense to take athletic bodies that fit the build of basketballers and actually get them playing and teach them basic motion principles. That should be the job of the coach and appears what they are doing at Waverley.

For fact: Deng Adel started playing basketball 3-4 years ago, and was put in the Keilor 5ths.

I find it admirable those who hide behind a computer screen to insult others. At the end of the day - The players all look out for each other, their parents support one another, and they stick by a club which supports them. If other systems were superior, surely these players would all leave.

Reply #415208 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm sorry but can we just stop all the arguments and just admire his statline.
28.4 ppg, 8.9 rpg, 4.5 apg and shooting it @ 51%.

He is now 6.2 ppg higher than 2nd, A top 15 rebounder, top 5 in assists per game!

I mean c'mon the guy is a beast!! I hope he goes on to be very successful regardless of what country he plays in

Reply #416077 | Report this post

Years ago

Last weekend Deng Adel dropped 36 points on 78% in just 25 minutes as the VYCM Falcons crushed Geelong 111-70. They look reasonably comfortable sitting on top of their conference ladder and oppostion teams must be scratching their heads trying to work out how to deal with them, when the bench can come out and keep walking away from the opposition. Meanwhile in the SCW, the Falcons The Falcons women are on the up and right now they will fancy their chances to push for finals, especially with Dombkins and Ardossi leading the way. Both the big guns contributed 10pts each in this one, while Evangelia Nikolitsis (22pts) ran hot.

This sets the scene for two absorbing clashes this weekend as we see the Falcons boys take on the Dandenong Spectres in a cross-conference, top of the ladder game. The game kicks off at 12.30 p.m. Sunday.

Following on at 2.30 p.m. we welcome Julie Brookhouse, Tess Feely, Jill McBain and Alex Lough back to the nest, but hope to see them go home empty handed as the experienced McKinnon Cougars (6-2) take on the youth of the Falcon's team (3-5). The matchup between Brigette Ardrosi and Alex Lough should be entertaining and the addition of Tegan Fowler to McKinnon's list makes them tougher again. The Falcon's however are not in awe of the Cougars and their big stocks have been bolstered by the return of Taylor Dickinson from college in the U.S.

Sunday 19th May 12.30pm AEST (2.30 UTC) VYCM Waverley Falcons vs. Dandenong Rangers
Sunday 19th May 2.30pm AEST (4.30 UTC) SCW Waverley Falcons vs McKinnon Cougars

All games are streamed live on FalconsTV

Reply #418806 | Report this post

Years ago

deng is a beast prep school babyyyyy

Reply #430382 | Report this post

Years ago

Deng is 37 years old.

Reply #430653 | Report this post

Years ago

Deng can play but easy when your 30 playing with YL kids

Reply #430674 | Report this post

Years ago

his not 30 you idiots, you just can't take the fact that he is a talented kid who works on his game everyday and is seeing results....I go to school with him, just because he is Sudanese you automatically assume he is over the age limit...thats just low

Reply #430724 | Report this post

Ariel 90  
Years ago

Just a quick point relating to a comment made about deng staying at school in Melbourne, does anyone actually understand that Eric also coaches his school side at Xavier.

Reply #433669 | Report this post

Years ago

incase any one was wondering,Deng is now going to go to a high school in america, so all your whining is pointless,

on another note, i was fortunate enough to watch the APS basketball final, and i witnessed Mickey Luxford, who is nearly 7 inches shorter than deng, absolutley dominate him in all assets of the game.

deng is a tallent, that im not denying, but he is also turnover prone, and often forces the offence, watching him play against the purest point guard coming out of australia in this current group, was an eye opener for what he needs to improve on, but his tallent is undeniable

Reply #433932 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks Trevor Burnette and a side note for you. Can you please stop claiming to have developed Michael Luxford to people around town. He had loads of talent before you came along.

Reply #433940 | Report this post

Years ago

very enjoyable reading all these comments again from all the doubters. he is proving you all wrong and will continue to until he makes it to the NBA. He'll be a starter in the next 6 years for Australia too. Don't believe me? Watch him at Louisville this year, you'll see

Reply #531211 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't Luxford in the AFL now?

Reply #531233 | Report this post

Years ago


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